Saturday 9 June 2012

I am VERY excited. I have finally come to a decision that could change my life forever. I am going to follow my dream. I mean actually follow my dream. None of this famous actress/singer/whatever nonsense. I'm going to return to college in 2013, study zoology for 4 years and perhaps after a Masters or doctorate I will get to do what I have wanted to do since I was a little girl - research, study and maybe even live among penguins!! I am obsessed, OBSESSED with penguins and everything about them. I believe they are the most wonderful creatures on earth. I'm going to apply to a number of the better universities in Ireland and as I'll be a mature student I won't have to enter through the points system. I'm leaning mostly towards NUIG, and maybe UCC as I've heard their Zoology departments are excellent. I know I'm looking really far into the future with the whole thing but I am so excited about getting started. I've been thinking about doing it for a while but only in the past few days have I given the idea proper consideration. I've been feeling completely unmotivated the past year or so, like I've come to a dead end. I'm working in a clothes shop full time and though the people are lovely and the work is generally okay, I want to do something different and more fulfilling with my life. I'm so delighted with the prospect of going back to college too. This time around I'm older and wiser and will be a lot more focused and dedicated, especially because I have something to aim for, not just a degree for the sake of a degree! I'm going to do it. I'm going to fucking do it!! :D :D :D

Also, I might as well post some pictures while I'm at it. These shots are by the incredible Stefano Brunesci, who literally reeks of awesome!! They were taken during the same weekend that myself and Madame Bink shot together a few months ago. They're definitely some of my favourite photos taken of me ever!


  1. I wish you could achieve your goals and dreams ! And thanks for all thes great shots !

  2. good for you..
    Plus those photos are indeed amazing. Print big!
