It's been a weird few months. At the end of March I suffered a massive OCD relapse and had to leave work and go home to Ireland and everything. It was a total kick in the face. I just woke up one morning and suddenly it was back, all those horrible, tortuous, tormenting thoughts and suffocating anxiety. I cried so much I nearly passed out from dehydration and exhaustion. It really was not fun. I'm back in Cambridge now and massively improved, but the fear of it happening again hangs over me constantly. I have come to realise that I will never be free of it. Well anyway, enough of that! PICTURES!!!
The following 2 photos are by the eccentric and wonderful artist, writer and photographer Julian Baker whom I worked with in December 2011 at his studio in London. The other lovely nudey model is Ms Jezebel and the hair and makeup was done by hair artist and wigmaker Katkinoko.
The next set of shots is by photographer Jeremy Kruse, aka Burntlight. I've worked with him a few times and he is such a hilarious guy! It's always a pleasure. He shoots from his home in Peterborough and it is one of the coolest houses I've been in. Every corner and nook has something unique and wonderful, like the big ass painted wooden rocking horse in his sitting room that I have yet to shoot with! I love how we manage to get something completely different and unexpected every time.
Right that's about my quota for the day methinks. I should go and make some dinner. I think I'll have fish fingers.